Removing Heart Walls


Removing Heart Walls


Through this audio, we’ll clear the heart walls and barriers that have been preventing you from healing and allow deep, unconditional love to flow in through a gentle and easy process. Don’t live only from your mind any more - open up to your heart and learn what it feels like to know true love.

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We live in a cerebral world and experience and respond to life from our mind - not our heart.  Why? Because allowing ourselves to feel also allowed us to be hurt in the past. We place walls and barriers around our hearts for protection, but that’s a bandaid and not a solution.

These trapped emotions and feelings are like a solidified ball of energy that are stuck in your energetic field, which throws you out of alignment and distorts your vibrations.  With these blocks in place, your energies and emotions are unable to flow in their natural current.  

Through this audio, we’ll clear the heart walls and barriers that have been preventing you from healing and allow deep, unconditional love to flow in through a gentle and easy process. Don’t live only from your mind any more - open up to your heart and learn what it feels like to know true love.

Open Yourself To Love Again!

Through this audio, you will…

  • Deepen your understanding of what heart walls and barriers are

  • Clean, clear, strengthen and protect all layers of your aura

  • Fill every cell in your body with God’s Golden White Light

  • Cut cords with any and all implants, entities, alien energies, etc., particularly those that are impacting your heart in order for you to clear yourself

  • Be able to visualize heart walls and experience removing these painful blocks through a gentle and easy process

  • Feel yourself clear, transform, and open up to deep unconditional love

  • Release the darkness that’s been trapped inside your heart and allow the light to begin to filter in

  • Use a Sufi mantra to aid in opening your heart

  • Bring in nourishment and crystal frequencies to aid and support your heart healing

  • Be able to release your fear and remove all resistance to lowering your barriers once and for all

  • Return your heart to natural state of perfection

  • Receive an initiation, purification, and beautification of your heart from Mother Mary and Jesus with breathtaking visuals

  • Experience the protective encapsulating of the Violet Flame

  • Deepen the healing and protection through Soul Language and activate your personal soul frequency

  • Be able to listen to this recording as often as you need and it can be silent, audibly, and/or on loop