Empowered Healing
Empowered Healing
This package has been designed to empower you to bring healing into every aspect of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual body. If you’re ready to bring your body back into it’s natural, divine order, then this series is for you!
Let’s get healthy, wealthy, and wise today!
The old saying is, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” But is that really what it takes to bring healing and a return to divine flow back into your life?!
Not exactly…
Are you plagued with:
Digestive woes
Imbalanced nutrition
Yeast or fungal overgrowth
Feeling unworthy or not enough
Financial issues
Lack of connection
Deep, internal heaviness
Feeling “out of flow”
All of these issues arise from living in this modern 3D world where toxins are all around us, heavy metals build up in your body, impede your connection to Source, keep you from healing yourself, and prevent prosperity and love from flowing in!
But hope isn’t lost!
Your body knows what to do - you just need to learn how to get out of the way and allow it to do the work and healing it needs - and Empowered Healing will show you how!
You are not alone and you don’t need to suffer any longer! I’ve helped many clients learn to find relief and heal themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally and I want to do the same for you.
Learning to heal yourself is a journey with many steps, but the wisdom and ability is already within you.
You need to learn how to remove what’s preventing you from connecting with and embracing your inner abundance in order to bring yourself back into your divine order, your perfect state of being.
Wellness, prosperity, and deep inner knowing are possible - so empower and embrace your abundance today!
I created this audio series to address all aspects of health, wealth, and internal wisdom to ensure you receive a total transformation on all levels -- from Soul to Toe!
So if you’re ready for life to be full of:
Financial freedom
Increased life force
Clearer purpose
Connection to Source
Deeper, loving relationships
And most of all total wellness!
#1 Heavy Metal and Foreign Debris Cleanse
Time: 10:32
Retail Price: $32
This recording is a deep, deep cleanse that everyone needs as so many of us are struggling with parasites, fungus, yeast, bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, spike and foreign proteins in our bodies. These harmful elements enter our physical bodies though our food, water, air, soil, EMF frequencies from all the appliances in our digital lives, and even the products we use in our daily lives like our lotions, toothpastes, shampoos, and more.
Once inside your body, these heavy metals and other debris can cause damage on a cellular level, embed in your organs, tissues, brain matter, and even flow in your bloodstream. And because like is attracted to like, heavy metals attract even more heavy metals into your body, you’re unable to heal yourself.
Through this recording, we will work on the energetic level to enable you to gently and easily release these toxins from your body so you can return to your original state of perfection.
Bringing the body back to divine order!
Together we will:
Engage in a deep, deep cleanse on the energetic level
Remove parasites, fungus, mold, yeast, bacteria, heavy metals, spike and foreign proteins
Shed any foreign debris creating imbalance, disharmony and chaos within your body
Release constrictions, restrictions, heaviness, and stickiness from your body
Remove confusion from the body to enable you to return to balance
Gently remove these foreign elements and release them with ease and grace from your body
Bring in all the necessary cleaning elements into your body on the energetic level to allow you to experience this deep cleansing and detoxification.
Ensure you’re back in balance by calling in whatever minerals you need to regain your perfect homeostasis
“The morning after I listened to this recording, I woke up tasting metals in my mouth. I could tell by this reaction that this MP3s was working and I’m thrilled! I can’t wait to feel more impacts as I release these toxins from my body. ”
#2 Financial Prosperity
Time: 3:35
Retail Value: $37
We all know how finances feel these days with the rising costs of every aspect of life. We could all use bringing in more prosperity!
But prosperity isn’t limited to money and finances. It can also be bringing in an abundance of health & wellness (on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels), opportunities, friends & relationships - any area of life!
You simply need to learn how to allow yourself to open up and receive - the template is already in place!
Embrace divine prosperity!
Together we will:
Release stress and tension limiting our potential
Focus on expanding and letting go any negative beliefs
Remove doubt and feelings of unworthiness, being not good enough, or propensity not being something for you
Find the perfect flow of giving and receiving on all levels of your being
Receive prosperity as manifested on your excellent interconnection to life
Fill yourself with prosperity on all levels of your being
Embrace the knowing that prosperity is already here and already activated - you just have to step into this reality!
“After my Phone conversation and clearing with Shelley yesterday: I was so overcome with emotions and felt even more emotions today. She said this would happen. But Whoa! What a roller coaster ride. Long story short! I had some medical bills that I was worried about being able to pay. I requested financial assistance about a month abo. Since I am a single parent; I have really had to watch my money. I PRAYED that the hospital would give me a big discount. They did even better! Today, I got a letter in the mail saying that they were going to absorb the entire bill! That is $1500 that I no longer have to worry about! I feel so blessed right now! Thank you!”
“I have worked with Shelley many times now and all I can say is WOW! She is a lifesaver and honestly, her sessions and recordings have improved my health, relationships and finances tremendously. If you are thinking about doing a session with her, just do it! You will be so thankful that you did!”
#3 Infusion of The Christed Light
Time: 7:24
Retail Value: $37
It’s probably not a secret, but when it comes to giving and receiving love - most of us are good at giving and not so great at receiving… but why is that? Are we afraid to open ourselves up? Have we not learned how to receive? Maybe it’s fear, trauma, or feelings of unworthiness…
Whatever is holding us back, our goal is to give and receive with equal ease and in equal measure. Through this recording we will focus on opening up your heart as you can only receive as much as your heart is open. This will require you to tap into your deep sense of knowing and interconnectedness. It’s not an intellectual journey, but an experiential one!
You are a bridge into infinity and eternity!
Together we will:
Focus on opening up your heart
Allow your arteries and veins to flow perfectly
Find and embrace your deep inner well of light and allow it fill your heart
Nourish yourself and allow the light to flow into and through you
The light is the awareness and the consciousness - your true heart
Allow your Christ consciousness to open, bringing in truth and light to activate and become real within you - this is a rebirthing!
Open the windows of your soul
Feel the true nature of who you truly are - no boundaries, no beginning, no end, just “is-ness”
“My body has been so tight for so long due to early childhood traumas. I figured it would take a lifetime of dismantling what was done to me, but you went right to the heart of the pain with such grace.
I felt totally seen and totally safe. I have seldom felt whole or safe.
I felt the old energy lifting off me as you worked.
You were very specific in naming the traumas and I found that helpful and comforting - most people would be horrified by my past. Not you. You held a loving space that offered verification and compassion. That alone was a beautiful blessing for my heart.
I felt so much lighter after our first session that I bought the package. Thank you for what you offer to the world ... freedom.”
#4 Nutrient Infusion
Time: 9:09
Retail Price: $37
As much as we may try, no one gets all the nutrients, hydration, and rest we need for our bodies to thrive simply from the foods and liquids we intake. And that’s because simply eating or drinking more isn’t what our bodies need - we need healing on a deeper level!
This Nutrient Infusion doesn’t just feed the body but the mind, soul, and spirit too - providing you with the Food of Life. But food isn’t the only nourishment our body needs, but water and proper hydration too! We will bring water into your cells and tissues ensuring your body works together in perfect harmony.
Bring love, light, nutrients, and healing into the major organ systems in your body so that you can be at your best. This healing is tailored to you and we will bring in what is good and needed into your body.
A nourished body is a flourishing body!
Together we will:
Relax your body and come into this present moment
Focus on breathing light into your body
Clear out shadows within and filling your body with light
Fill yourself with pure love from Spirit/Source directly into your body - The Food of Life
Focus on different parts of your digestive system and bring in healing, clearing, love, and light
Nourish all parts of your body
Embrace balanced, harmonious digestion
Increase your digestive intelligence so your body knows what is good to absorb and release everything that isn’t good for you
“My gut immediately started working and gurgling when I listened to this recording. I could tell my digestive system was really getting energized and charged up!.”
#5 Immune System Reboot
Time: 6:52
Retail Price: $37
Your immune system is your first line of physical defense but so much of our physical world tears it down. The 3D world creates so much noise and chaos! But your immune system doesn’t just protect your physical body but your soul and essences as well! Uplevel your immune system so that it becomes more fine tuned to Source.
This recording will help your immune system balance, strengthen, coordinate, and integrate with your Soul Plan to enable you to reach your highest potential.
Bring balance, strength, and full integration to your immune system!
Together we will:
Come into the present moment
Release anything holding you back and keeping you from being in the flow
Activating your immune system to your inner essence and the frequency that you are
Bring in pure love to heal your immune system
Notice the healing that is always here and present - you just need to bring it in
Balance, coordinate, and integrate exactly what your body needs according to your Soul Plan
Enable your body to meet any and all challenges that come your way
“Shelley, you are one POTENT HEALER. And, I’ve been around healers for 30 years.
First, my right knee feels better than it has in 10 years. Your healing/God healing is continuing in it now. I feel it working.
Second, I am motivated again and I feel like my normal self - enthusiastic, optimistic.
Third, the heavy weight is off of me. I am SO RELIEVED. More details to come.
Thanks so much for yesterday’s individual session! ”
#6 Full Body Debris Cleanse
Time: 9:25
Retail Price: $37
Are you ready to release the notion of being “sick” or “dis-eased” and ready to embrace physical harmony and allow beauty to dominate your perspective? This mediation will help you release the debris hiding in your body to allow for easy physical transformations to happen within your body.
Healing isn’t just about the body, but your mind and heart as well and this recording works on all these elements to bring in what’s needed for you and your highest good in this moment. Release what constricts and restricts you and come into the total flow of life! Allow this freedom to translate into your body as your own pure essence and wellness.
Your body is pure space, pure freedom, and pure light!
Together we will:
Step out of the drama of “being sick” and allow in beauty, purity, and light to dominate your perspective
Allow your heart to shift and embrace a new way of seeing and living
Receive source light to enter and clear out the debris and cleanse
Let go of all ongoing dis-ease patterns
Clear and cleanse debris from all parts of your body
Release all entities, cords, timeline demands, and other negative forces
Cleanse negative, harmful emotions, anything that constricts or restricts you and let go of everything that isn’t love and pure light
Allow all of this to happen in your own perfect time and for your highest good
“I love the package (Unlocking Your Heart). I did one MP3 a day and felt different each day. Physically, the chest and the upper back relaxed a bit, and the irregular heart beat got way better.
Emotionally, I feel much happier every day. Even when I get mad at something, I now can easily be with the emotion without making stories around it.
And the private session was amazing! My living situation is still a tough one, but now I KNOW I will get out of it soon. I’m so grateful to you, Shelley. Thank you so much for your tremendous support and love!”
#7 Golden White Light Immersion
Time: 13:50
Retail Price: $37
This recording is the perfect way to bring you into the NOW and pull together all the work we’ve done together in this package. We will breathe the Golden White Light into every cell of your body and remove anything that prevents you from reaching your highest good.
Bring healing light into your mind, body, and soul and deepen your relationship with Truth itself. We will remove toxins, heat, stress, and other blockages and imbalances from the blood, lymph, tissues, and your entire body to free your body to function in perfect harmony and flow into purity.
Flood your body with love, light, and purity!
Together we will:
Open up your heart
Remove any and all energy blockages
Bring flow and energy into all the organs of your body
Disengage and release anything that isn’t designed for your highest good
Bring light, truth, and a deeper understanding of life into your soul
Cleanse and heal all the body systems on a cellular level
Heal on the physical and soul level
“Oh Shelley, that was wonderful (The Power of Now coaching call)! I felt intense cold, especially in my hands. The brainwave activation was so much more intense, usually I felt pressure in my head, this time I felt warbling and jittering, my throat tightened up so much then the calming energy and light dissipated it. I don’t visualize but see waves of energy in my mind. I saw each brainwave change and flow. I felt the animals come, a big energetic wave that pushed me back. The explanations were so helpful and interesting. The paternal and maternal lines make so much sense in my life and family, and the trauma and past lives. So many physical and emotional issues you mentioned. especially my mouth and jaw and everything associated with them. I am honored to have this session with you! There’s so much more I could add, hehehehe! Much love and thank you again! xoxo”
Bonus Gifts
Bonus #1 Emotional Detox
Length: 10:56
Retail Value: $37
If you’re ready to bring forward and easily release the troubles and fears weighing you down right now, then this audio is what you’ve been searching for. Following this guided exercise will enable you to let go of everything -- pain, stress, worries, fears, thoughts… And connect to the eternal and infinite part of yourself.
You will align and clear the root cause preventing you from experience true, deep self-love!
All You Are Is Joy, Love, & Bliss!
Together we will:
Open and expand your heart
Heal and transform trauma and shock
Release doubt and fear of lack; bring in a feeling of abundance and knowledge that all is well
Clear mental confusion from everyday life
Eliminate feeling overwhelmed
Clear and transform the central nervous system
Cut cords
Clear all fear templates: betrayal, victimization, fear of the future and the unknown, lack, and anything that prevents you from experience self-love
Connect and attune the heart and soul
Experience an intense activation of your heart that will expand throughout your core
Experience more bliss, joy, happiness in all aspects of your life
Embrace empowerment on all levels: spiritually, mentally, and physically
Improve your intuition and psychic abilities with your mental fog cleared away
Rejoice in your life more fully balanced in all areas!
Bonus #2 Pain Relief
Length: 5:16
Retail Value: $37
Pain is unfortunately a very common experience in this physical world. Whether you’re suffering from an injury, recovering from surgery, or chronic pain from various diseases, you’ll find relief through this audio recording.
This recording goes into deep healing by clearing ancestral lineages-, limiting beliefs, daily stress, cutting cords, entities, other’s energy and pain, and more.
Relax Into The Healing Energies That Are Flowing!
Together we will:
Help you center and ground into your core
Bring in God’s Golden White Light of healing
Bring pain relief to all parts of the body
Smooth and release pinched nerves, muscles, and trigger points
Cut cords and release energies that are not your own causing you pain
Bring in a cooling energy to remove excess heat and inflammation
Reduce and normalize inflammation, nerve and joint pain
Bring in frequencies to aid in relaxation
Clear blocks and limiting beliefs keeping you from healing
Adjust your entire spine
Bring all organs, muscles, ligaments and tendons back into their proper alignment
Bonus #3 Immune System & Purification System Booster
Length: 18:03
Retail Value: $37
Our immune and purification systems are essential for building up our internal resistances to pathogens, viruses, dis-ease, and another else that negatively impact our health. In order to return to our natural state of perfect health, we need to clear and remove those forces lowering our vibrations.
This recording will guide you through healing, repairing, upgrading, and boosting your immune and purifications systems in order to regain your optimum state of health and well-being.
I Allow Perfect Health!
Together we will:
Breathe in God’s Golden White Light, love, and purification while letting go of everything else
Strengthen your core
Clean, clear, protect, reinforce, and strengthen all layers of the aura
Clear electromagnetic static and confusion which negatively affect your immune system
Cut cords and remove entities, implants, demonic forces, and other harmful forces that interfere with your sovereignty
Upgrade your immune system through awakening the intelligence within you
Bring harmony and love into your immune system on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels
Raise your vibrations filling you with joy and strengthening and protecting your immune system
Practice inward smiling to bring in joy, cooperation, and harmony into all the systems of your body
Correct and repair DNA and RNA (such as autoimmune diseases)
Clear toxins and allergens from all the parts which put stress on your body
Focus on the purification system (lymph, spleen, pancreas, liver, and blood) to clear congestions and blocks (both known and unknown)
Clear and reduce inflammation and heat which weakens the immune system
Heal and upgrade your pancreas while normalizing blood sugar levels
Heal, charge, and clean your spleen and blood to return them to that natural state of optimum wellness
Boost and support your liver enabling it to have a rest to recharge and rejuvenate
Clear toxins, poisons, heavy metals, harmful effects of medications and vaccinations
Clear and transform fear, conflict, shame, blame, trama, neglect, depression, grief, unworthiness, and more which weaken your immune system
Return your immune and purifications systems back to their original state of perfection and working on their highest level
Experience Soul Language to deepen and allow for easier integration